The Senate of DarTU is the principal overall decision-making organ in respect of all academic matters of the University including the university’s campus, constituent and connected colleges, and its schools, directorates and/or institutes.
In discharging its functions, the Senate works through its Committees, namely, the Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications Committee; the Teaching and Learning Committee; the Knowledge and Information Resource Centre Committee; the Public Engagement Committee; and the ICT, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Acceleration Facility Committee.
Pursuant to the Universities Act and the DarTU Charter, the members of the University Senate for the 2024/25 – 2026/27 triennium are as follows:
SN |
Name |
Membership Category |
1. |
Prof. Burton L.M Mwamila |
Vice Chancellor |
2. |
Prof. Emanuel Amaniel Mzanyuma Mjema |
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academics, Research and Public Engagement (DVC-ARPE) |
3. |
Prof. Olipa Ngasapa |
Council Representative (External Member) |
4. |
Prof. Goodluck Urassa |
Appointee of the VC from institutions of higher education (External Member) |
5. |
Prof. Sylvia Shayo Temu |
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Resource Management and Administration (DVC-RMA) |
6. |
Dr. Abdiel G. Abayo |
Deans of Schools |
7. |
Dr. Felistas R. Mahonge |
8. |
Dr. James Kazoka |
9. |
Dr. Benedict T. Mapunda |
10. |
Dr. Aman H. Bura |
11. |
Dr. Deoscorous B. Ndoloi |
Directors of Institutes, Directorates, and Heads of ICT and Knowledge and Information Resource Centre (the Library) |
12. |
Dr. Hawa Uiso |
13. |
Dr. Julius T. Tweve |
14. |
Dr. Gideon Enock |
15. |
Mr. Geofrey Kilimba |
16. |
Ms. Wilfreda Mulalike |
17. |
Mr. Fikiri Hafidh |
18. |
Ms. Ashiseta Lema |
Dean of Students |
19. |
Ms. Betisheba Wambura |
President of Students’ Organization (up to June 2024) |
20. |
Mr. Richard Tangaliola |
Vice President of Students’ Organization (up to June 2024) |
21. |
Dr. Caroline Fumbuka |
Representative of Academic Staff Association |
22. |
Mr. Maximillian Katabi |
Chief (University) Examination Officer |
23. |
Mr. Amani Mwakyoma |
Corporate Counsellor (Secretary) |