The Directorate of Public Engagement (D-PE)

The Directorate of Public Engagement and Partnerships (PE) operates under the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, Research, and Public Engagement(DVC-ARPE).It collaborates with like-minded institutions and communities in mutually beneficial partnerships that are consistent with the role and mission of the university.

The outreach services of the PE at DarTU are extended to accommodate engagement, where the emphasis is on bidirectional interactions, reciprocity, and mutual respect instead of traditional one-way assistance. Some of the outreach services of PE have been to the Eastern and Coastal Region Dioceses (ECD), specifically to its staff (Clergy and Non-Clergy), and ECD Schools (Mkuza Girls Secondary School, Kisarawe Junior Seminary, Mbwawa Secondary School, and Jerusalem Secondary School).

Additionally, the duties of the Directorate include coordination the development/revision and operationalization of policies and operational instruments for Public Engagement, Continuing Education, and Partnerships at DarTU. The Directorate is also charged with the responsibility of identifying industry needs and trends in collaboration with the Schools and Departments at DarTU, and subsequently coordinating the design, advertisements, and delivery of demand-driven and needs-responsive short courses to specific audiences.