The Directorate of Innovation, Entrepreneurship Acceleration Facility (IEAF) is geared towards transforming DarTU into a competitive, vibrant and dynamic private university responsive to societal and industrial needs and challenges. Through it, the university is to nurture a vibrant culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.y 

The main objective of IEAF

The main objective of IEAF is to enable the development of DarTU into an exemplary institution in matters pertaining to the promotion and catalyzation of graduate self-employment and graduate employability, technology transfer and or commercialization of DarTU research outputs, technologies and business plans for possible roll-out as competitive businesses or start-up firms.

The specific objectives of IEAF

(i) To instil innovativeness and entrepreneurial mindset in students and staff to develop and realize the ability to use knowledge learnt and skills acquired during training         at DarTU to develop products and solutions that address societal needs and problems for possible roll-out as competitive businesses or start-ups firms.

(ii) To organize, among other things, innovative technological and non-technological business ideas and business plan competitions, students’ talent identification                    showcases, and  ultimately, incubation of competitively viable innovative technological and non-technological business plans.

(iii)To act as a bridge between academia and industry for the purpose of enabling commercialization of DarTU research and innovation outputs, in the form of                              entrepreneurial technologies and business ideas.

The outcome of Successful Operationalization of IEAF at DarTU