The Directorate of Planning, Resource Mobilization and Investment (PReMoD) was established in 2020 to oversee all resource mobilization and investment activities at the former TUDARCo, which was transformed into the Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) in January 2024. To take off the Directorate was charged with coordination of the resource mobilization, investment and management activities in the implementation of the Five Year Rolling Strategic Plan I (2020/21 – 2024/25) of the university which was launched in November 2020. The strategic plan is the anchor, in which an organization’s programs, structure and systems, as well as financials, are reviewed and new business opportunities are identified. DarTU resource mobilization is critical because first, it ensures the continuation of the institution’s service provision to clients, second, it supports the university’s sustainability and it allows for improvement and scale-up of products and services the University currently provides.
The University is required to seek new directions or new business opportunities as a resource mobilization strategy, among others, writing of project proposals, preparation and submission of grant applications, or drafting business plans. DarTU, being a private institution of higher learning is currently largely dependent on students’ tuition fees to finance its core operations.

The PReMoD directorate is entrusted with the following functions:

  (i) Ensuring DarTU policy on resource mobilization is operationalized;
 (ii) Ensuring mobilization of resources for recurrent and development budget is effectively conducted;
 (iii) Ensuring proper development of DarTU Physical Infrastructure and Institutional Development Master plan;
 (iv) Endorse and support the identified potential strategic investors;
 (v) Receiving the reviewed and evaluation reports on plan performance;
(vi) Ensuring preparation of recurrent and capital development budgets and preparations for mid-term cost adjustments is implemented;
(vii) Ensuring plans or project documents for submission through relevant University meetings to relevant authorities is achieved;
(viii)Advising the University management on all matters about planning, finance, and management information systems; and
(ix) Suggest and recommend investors in further development of DarTU’s existing Mwenge and other land properties through the Build Own and Transfer (BOT) approach         & otherwise. DarTU management believes in teamwork in resource mobilization and investment at DarTU.