The Directorate of Teaching and Learning (DTeLe) was established in 2021 to oversee and coordinate teaching and learning activities of the then Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo), which was transformed into a full-fledged university and named Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) in January 2024. The key activities of the directorate include organization and management of students’ admission, teaching and learning, curriculum development and review, and processing of examinations and academic awards.

The directorate conducts its duties in close collaboration with the five schools at DarTU’, viz, School of Business Studies (SoBS), School of Digital Technology & Transformation Studies (SDTTS), School of Education and Human Development (SoEHD), School of Humanities & Social Sciences (SoHSS) and School of Law & Justice (SoLJu). In essence, the directorate deals with one of the core functions of any university (teaching and learning), and thus its mandate cuts across all schools.

The directorate is charged with the following functions:

(i) Serving as a liaison unit between the office of DVC ARPE and schools on matters pertaining to teaching and learning for degree and non-degree programmes.

(ii) Ensuring any new programmes proposed by schools/Departments are consistent with DarTU policies, strategies and procedures as well as the various relevant                    national frameworks and requirements formulated by respective professional, regulatory or statutory bodies.

(iii) Developing and maintaining procedures for assessment of the effectiveness of students’ teaching and learning.

(iv) Oversee the selection of students qualifying for various academic awards.

(v) Collaborate with other offices including the quality assurance (QA) and quality improvement (QI) to ensure that the delivery of teaching and learning at DarTU is                   competitive and complies with acceptable quality standards.

(vi) Advising the Vice Chancellor through the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Research and Public Engagement (DVC-ARPE) on the best way of                         ensuring continuous enhancement of teaching and learning at DarTU.

(vii) Maintaining quality assurance mechanisms in collaboration with the director of QA and QI and ensuring that staff perform their teaching duties diligently.

(viii) Coordinating the preparation and compilation of annual teaching and learning assessment reports by the schools and submitting the same to the DVC-ARPE.

(ix) Ensuring that there is an approved standard document which is competency based for all the academic programmes of study in all departments.

(x) Oversee transfer of credit issues for students and evaluate course materials provided by students and or the office of admission to determine whether credit                          earned at  another institution is equivalent to corresponding courses offered by the department or programme.

(xi) Prepare an annual report on teaching and learning (TeLe) at DarTU.

(xii) Prepare a “Facts and Figures” booklet on Teaching and Learning at DarTU.