Welcome to the School of Law and Justice

1. Introduction

The School of Law and Justice was established in 2001 as the Faculty of Law of the then Tumaini University Dar es salaam College (TUDARCo). It was transformed into the School of Law and Justice in 2020 as part of the results of the re-engineering and rebranding of TUDARCo. When TUDARCo was transformed into the present Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) in January 2024, the School of Law and Justice became one of the Five Schools of DarTU.  The School of Law and Justice is one the Schools in the University that attracts many students. Many of its alumni have served or still serve in high positions in different institutions including the Central Government, the judiciary and other sectors

2. Objectives

 The SoLJu aims to meet the following objectives:

     (i) To provide knowledge and skills in the legal area, through training, research and professional services.

     (ii) To enhance knowledge in the administration of justice by encouraging both the academic staff and students to learn and seek knowledge and truth;

     (iii) To produce highly qualified and adequately trained experts for the administration of justice, but who are also well prepared to use the acquired skills for self-                                 employment and the manning of key positions in both the public and private sectors.

3.Academic Departments of the School

The School currently comprises of two (2) academic Departments, namely:


    (i)  Departments of International Law; and

    (ii)  Department of Municipal Law.

4. Academic Programmes of the School

a) Postgraduate Programmes

Master of Laws in Alternative Dispute Resolution (LLM-ADR)

b) Bachelor Degree Programmes:

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

c) Non-Degree Programmes:

     (i)  Diploma in Law

     (ii)  Certificate in Law

5. Short Courses/ Seminars and workshops

The School is currently considering to offer short courses and consultations on this are still ongoing. 


Research is one of the key components that enriches University teaching. Apart from students’ research which is part and parcel of their academic requirement for graduation, staff members are fully engaged in conducting research and publishing articles and books. 

7. Community service/Outreach Programmes

The School hosts a Legal Aid Clinic which was launched in July 2023. The main objectives of the clinic is to deliver legal assistance and education to needy persons, basically who cannot afford to access the conventional market-based channels, and also offer to students an opportunity to get practical experience in providing legal aid and assistance on real factual cases under the guidance of supervising lecturers and practicing advocates. The Clinic provides legal support to indigent persons in both criminal and civil cases.


8. Staffing Profile

The school has an adequate number of fulltime and part timer Lecturers capable of providing excellent legal education to students. They are highly experienced , qualified and armed with contemporary and innovative teaching and learning methods to enhance student’s learning experience. Generally, most staff either occupy or have occupied legal positions in the Judiciary of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) ranging from magistrates, high court judges and justices of the Court of Appeal, State Attorneys, and the parliament of the URT. Not least some head public and private institutions as CEOs, while others in the academia or are private practitioners in the legal profession and business world. The students therefore benefit from both qualification and experience of the Lecturers.