Welcome to the School of Humanities and Social Science

1. Introduction

Before Re-Engineering and Re-Branding of Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College – TUDARCo in 2020, and later its transformation into fully fledged university known as Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) in January 2024, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SoHSS) was known as Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. It was established in 2007. Like other Schools, fostering and delivery quality education to students in the SoHSS is guided by the university motto:  “Where Morals, Positive Mindset and Attitudes are Inculcated for Assured Students Learning and Responsible Citizenry”. Furthermore, it is guided by the core values of the DarTU i.e: (1) Integrity, intellectual honesty and ethical behaviour in all endeavours. (2) Excellence and professionalism in the performance all tasks undertaken. (3) Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in addressing the needs, problems and challenges. (4) Appreciation of diversity in academic life and university undertakings. (5) Collaboration, partnerships and cooperation to leverage all possible synergies.

The School emphasizes on innovative teaching and learning approach that avails opportunities for students to gain real-world experience during their stay at DarTU. This approach is purposely directed to the “production” of graduates who are market-ready and have skills to enter and survive in the growing competitive market and/or establish their footing in the private sector by generating employment.

2. Objectives/Aims of the School

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences aims to provide students with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary education in all fields of humanities and social sciences. Specifically, the school aims to;

     (i) Develop innovative and critical thinking skills to allow students to solve complex community challenges and to make informed decisions;

    (ii) Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to problem-solving;

    (iii) Engage with the community through innovative teaching and learning, research, community, and outreach services; and

    (iv) Support student’s personal, intellectual and social growth 

3. Academic Departments of the School

The School has three academic departments, namely:

    (i) Department of Mass Communication;

    (ii) Department of Library and Information Studies; and

    (iii) Department of Development Studies and Sociology

The three departments in the School offer an array of courses that are demand-driven and address community needs in Tanzania: they offer students a wide range of possibilities, experiences, and opportunities to become creative, innovative, critical thinkers with an entrepreneurial mindset ready, and can turn community challenges into opportunities

The School prides itself on a wide range of courses that are on offer to students from certificate to graduate levels. The school offers support to students throughout their studies, to enhance their knowledge, skill sets, innovation, confidence, and employability. Please explore our major programs and find out which one is right for you, your friend’s son/daughter, nephew/niece, or grandson/daughter.

4. Academic Programmes of the School

The curricula that underpin the academic programs offered by the SoHSS are aimed at enabling students to learn and think outside the box. A student in the School learns not only how to do things but also to explain why one is doing it the way he/she is doing. Students are facilitated to competently acquire skills that would enable them to operate in the 21st century. The School is proud of its graduates some of whom already hold high-profile positions in both public and private institutions in and outside the country.

a) Postgraduate Programmes:


        Master of Arts in Information Studies

b) Bachelor Degree Programmes

     (i) Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Studies.

    (ii) Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication.

    (iii) Bachelor of Diaconia and Social Work.

   (iv) Bachelor of Theology.

c) Non-Degree Programmes

     (i) Certificate in Records Management.

     (ii) Diploma in Intercultural Relations.

     (iii) Diploma in Journalism.

5. Short Courses

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a wide range of demand-driven and tailor-made short courses. These courses are specifically designed to provide innovative, focused, and intensive practical-oriented learning experiences in specific professional areas depending on customer’s demands.  The courses offered are flexible and tailor-made to fit the needs of different customers. The courses often focus on developing professional knowledge and practical skills that are applicable in the real-life world.

6. Research, Consultancies and Industrial Linkage

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences in collaboration with other universities in Tanzania and outside the country from 2010 to present had the following collaborative projects:

     (i) Sustainable Business and Employability through HEIs’ Innovative Pedagogy (SUSIE Project) – A project funded by the Finnish Nation Agency for Education (2020- 2024)

     (ii) Orange Knowledge Project (OPK) A project sponsored by the Netherlands Government under the Nuffic Orange Knowledge Programme (2020-2023).

     (iii) Introducing Reverse Innovation Model to HEI in Tanzania (IRIS Project)- A project funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education (2017-2020)

     (iv) North South-South LIS network Phase I & II– A project funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) (2010-2015)

     (v) Consultancy on information literacy training to Tumaini University Constituent Colleges academic staff members from April- July 2009. A project funded by the            I                International Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) based in the UK

    (vi) Consultancy on capacity building program on Information sharing and repackaging to TATEDO Staff, May 2010

    (vii) Consultancy on Voters Education in Karagwe, Sengerema, Musoma, and Tarime Districts from September- October 2010. The project was funded by the UNDP                             Tanzania

7. Staffing Profile

The School has qualified academic staff who are committed to facilitating innovative teaching and learning, research, consultancy, and delivery of public service