Welcome to the School of Education and Human Development

1. Introduction

The School of Education and Human Development (SoEHD) is a result of the 2020 TUDARCo‘s Re-engineering and Re-branding with the motto “Where Morals, Positive Mindset and Attitude are Inculcated for Assured Students’ Learning and Responsible Citizenry”. The School emerged from the Faculty of Education, which started in 2014 with a single undergraduate degree programme, Bachelor of Arts with Education. The School is now one of the five schools at Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) that operate in accordance with the university’s mission, vision and objectives.

SoEHD prepares graduates to become teachers, facilitators, practitioners, administrators, supervisors, consultants and other related experts. Potential employers for our graduates include the ministry of Education, Regional and District offices, Colleges and Universities, Government departments, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), International institutions, business enterprises, and internet service providers.

2. Objectives

The SoEHD aims to meet the following objectives:

    (i) To play a leading role in education, both locally and globally, and provide exemplary leadership in provision of a transformative competence-based quality education               through quality participatory learning.

    (ii) To produce professional teachers who will become responsible in addressing educational challenges.

    (iii) To conduct development research that leads to innovation and new knowledge, which offers opportunities for lifelong learning that, benefits individuals and                                  communities.

3. Academic Departments of the School

Currently, the School has three academic Departments, namely:

    (i) Department of  Educational Foundations

    (ii) Department of Human Development.

    (iii) Department of Languages and Communication Skills

4. Academic Programmes of the School

a) Postgraduate Programmes:

     Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE).

bBachelor Degree Programmes:

      (i) Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED) and

     (ii) Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE) is about to start.

5. Short Courses/ Seminars and workshops

The School offers short courses that responds to the needs of society. These include; Editing, Translation and Interpretation, Public speaking and presentation skills, Communication skills, Kiswahili kwa Wageni, Research skills, Special needs, Parenting matters, and Counselling and Mental Health.

6. Research, Consultancies and Industrial Linkage

a) Research

SoEHD fosters a vibrant research culture among faculty and students, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and conducting research that addresses pressing educational issues. Through surveys and needs analysis, SoEHD continues engaging with communities, industries and organizations to identify specific skills or knowledge gaps. The engagement with communities, schools, and educational organizations has given SoEHD opportunity to contribute in the development and implementation of evidence-based practices to improve educational outcomes.

b) Consultancies/Community Service



The School has developed a substantial mentorship through outreach activities with ECD schools namely Mkuza Girls Secondary School, Mbwawa Secondary School, Kisarawe Junior Seminary and Jerusalem Secondary School. It also coordinates the establishment of DarTU Counselling and Mental Health Unit that aims to provide the high standard social, spiritual, academic, counselling and mental health service to the University and the surrounding community.


c) Industrial Linkage



The SoEHD links the teaching curricula with the needs of the society. The curricula create opportunities for students to develop innovative and entrepreneurial skills and apply their knowledge to real-world contexts. This includes internships, service-learning projects, and partnerships with local schools, public and private institutions and organizations that deals with education and related fields. By engaging with educational partners and stakeholders, SoEHD co-create solutions to educational challenges, promote inclusive practice and support community development initiatives.

7. Staffing Profile

SoEHD has a pool of competent, dedicated academics and professionals to handle teaching, research and consultancy work, mentoring and counselling. The school has sixteen (16) members of academic staff including senior lecturers, lecturers and assistant lecturers. The staff has been exemplary in embracing capacity development in use of innovative pedagogies, new education and communication technologies as well as strengthening assessment processes. It is responsible for shaping students’ lives and helping them to become great, inspiring teachers and responsible citizens.