Welcome to the School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies

1. Introduction

The School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies (SoDTTS) was established in September 2023 with the purpose of securing institutional up-to-datedness, competitiveness, and sustainability. Additionally, it aims to facilitate DarTU’s involvement as an active participant in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and to realize ambitions of staying abreast of global science, technology, and innovation (STI) developments and advances.

2. Objectives

The SoDTTS aims to meet the following objectives:

(i)  To assist staff and students in utilizing the potential and overcoming the challenges presented by digital technologies, big data, and digital methods through                           continuous professional development, support, and guidance.

(ii) To utilize technological infrastructure and data services to digitize and automate our procedures, reducing our reliance on manual processes, while optimizing the                benefits of flexible working practices, thereby saving time.

(iii) To utilize digital technology and methods to enrich our communication, relationships, and partnerships with students, alumni, as well as local, regional, and global                  partners.

(iv) To expand our utilization of digital technologies, data, and digital methods to alleviate digital poverty and other inequalities, while enhancing our global presence               and impact in education, research, and innovation.

3. Academic Units of the School

The school is comprised of two Academic Departments, namely:

(i)  Department of Digital Technologies and Information Science (DiTIS)

(ii) Department of Technological Innovation and Techno-Preneurship (TITP),

Department of Digital Technologies and Information Science (DiTIS)

The Digital Technologies and Information Science department aims to establish itself as a center of excellence in applied computing technologies, pioneering new frontiers in digital technology through academic research, development, and innovation.


Department of Technological Innovation and Techno- Preneurship (TIMT)

This department was established to foster the creation of technological products and solutions. The Techno-preneurship component of TIMT is designed to facilitate the integration of technological knowledge with entrepreneurship skills. This integration necessitates not only technical expertise but also a comprehensive understanding of business principles.

4. Academic Programmes of the School

The SoDTTS currently offers one academic programme; namely:

Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)

The following other programmes are in the pipeline to be hosted by the school:

a) Postgraduate Programmes:

     Master of Science in Information Technology and Management (MSc ITM).

b) Bachelor Degree Programmes:

    (i) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Cyber-Security (BSc CSCS);

    (ii) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc IT);

   (iii) Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Knowledge Management (BSc ISKM);

c) Non-Degree Programmes:

    (i)  Diploma in Satellite Technology and Remote Sensing;

   (ii)Diploma in Communications and Information Systems;

   (iii)Diploma in Computer Science and Digital Forensic


5. Short Courses

The SoDTTS through its Centre of Excellence in Cybersecurity offers tailor-made courses focusing mainly on Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering as well as Computer Network Monitoring. The scope of the short courses offered include the following:

       (i) Mobile App Development for IoT

       (ii) Introduction to Raspberry Pi and Arduino Programming

      (iii) Social Media and Digital Marketing  

      (iv) Computer Graphics and Video Editing

      (v) Web Design Fundamentals,

      (vi) CCTV Design and Maintenance  

     (vii) Introduction to Programming with Python

     (viii) Advanced Computer Repair and Maintenance

      (ix) Blockchain Fundamentals

6. Consultancies and Industrial Linkage

In collaboration with other organizations the SoDTTS stands poised as a strategic partner for organizations seeking to enhance their products and services, thereby contributing to the innovation and competitiveness of the national economy. Within the School, numerous avenues exist for collaboration among researchers, students and lecturers. Currently, the School is collaborating with public and private institutions including Russian State Space agency (ROSCOMOS), COSTECH and Ministry of Information and ICT on Satellite Design and Development Project as well as E-Just. It is expected that the outcome of such partnerships will yield novel products or services, expedited market entry, enhanced user experiences, digital creative solutions, as well as a more skilled workforce, fostering a productivity-boosting work environment, among other benefits.


7. Research and Development

The research endeavours at the School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies predominantly concentrate on educational technology, space technology, remote sensing, human-computer interaction, information sciences, and applied informatics.

Imparting Hands-on Skills and Practice to Students

Internships represent a purposeful engagement wherein students actively pursue the learning outcomes of their curriculum within a professional setting. Internship at our school also serve as effective channels for talent acquisition and play a pivotal role in shaping an institutional image.


The primary thrust of scientific research at the School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies revolves around the development of next-generation distributed learning environments. These environments comprise interoperable software and other pedagogical ICT applications, facilitating self-directed learning within hybrid contexts.

Opportunities at the School

Sending satellites into space is quite an achievement. We take pride in putting the School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies on the national radar with our offerings.

Our Programmes at the School of Digital Technologies and Transformation Studies revolves heavily around hands-on projects. Graduating students gain invaluable experience from tackling challenging, sometimes vaguely defined projects repeatedly—and triumphing. They develop both the skills and the confidence through their successes.

Students learn problem-solving in a collaborative setting through projects like the satellite program, robotics, embedded systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) initiatives, the Center for Missions Computing, and various other opportunities, all alongside their classroom curriculum.