The Dar es Salaam Tumaini University (DarTU) is a Christ-centred university owned by the Eastern and Coastal Diocese (ECD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT). Accordingly, the university has a Chaplaincy which is concerned with the spiritual life of its students and staff. The Chaplaincy has been built upon a living foundation, that is, Jesus Christ.

The main function of the Chaplaincy at DarTU is to care for the spiritual/moral needs of its community through preaching and teaching of the WORD of GOD to “produce” credible and responsible citizens ready to appreciate and contribute towards the socio-economic development of their country. Also, to create a God-fearing and God-loving Community. The Chaplaincy performs other activities such as prayer meetings, counselling, conducting seminars, caring for the sick, and needy, and organizing praise and worship concerts

The Chaplaincy runs daily Morning Devotion prayers every week from Monday to Friday at 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. Besides, it offers counselling services, sometimes in collaboration with the Dean of Students (DoS). The service is free and available to all students and members of staff, irrespective of religion or denomination the student/staff is affiliated with. Noteworthy, Chaplaincy is the host and overseer of the University Students Christian Fellowship (USCF), which is a recognized organization at the DarTU which has its constitution.  

The Chaplaincy is headed by the Chaplain who is assisted by the Church Elders Council which is composed of students and staff members, regardless of their denomination. The Church Elders Council has five functional-based Committees: the Finance and Planning Committee, Social Welfare Committee, Worship and Music Committee, Mission and Evangelism Committee, and Executive/Standing Committee. The Committees facilitate Chaplaincy activities.